
From DimensioneX
Revision as of 05:43, 23 September 2009 by Cris (talk | contribs)
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This is the Underworld MMORPG online game's WIKI

Underworld is a free massively multiplayer RPG game (MMORPG). This is a WIKI, a website made by users for users.

We have a very active community for the Italian version of this game. We hope it becomes popular also in its English-spoken version.

For developers

  • [DimensioneX/underworld/en/extending Extending Underworld] Develop your own extension - contribute to the project
  • [Underworld project page] on SourceForge.net - Yes, this is an open source project!

Italy.gif WIKI of Underworld Italy

This is a WIKI!

Right after registering, you can edit pages (just click EDIT tab), add pages 
(just  type a new URL to create a new page) and share your tips about the game. 
Everybody can find tips here. 
Also you can create your own guild and make your guild page with it.

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